Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tracking Distance With a Running Heart Rate Monitor

!±8± Tracking Distance With a Running Heart Rate Monitor

Many new runners have been introduced to the usefulness of running heart rate monitors when it comes to enhancing their training. These tools are extremely useful when used properly. While it is very true that one can make great strides in their training with a basic entry level monitor model, the higher end models cannot be discounted for their usefulness.

In general, the lower end heart rate monitors track your heart rate and that is all. This is very useful information, but there are many other things that adding distance tracking technology can do for your progress.

There are two main categories of distance tracking monitors available. They are Global Positioning System (GPS) based technology and footpod based technology. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

There are several web-based applications that allow you to map your run to track your distance. These can be useful tools if you do not have a distance tracking enabled heart rate monitor or if you have do not use a monitor at all. There are a couple drawbacks, however. Using these applications require that you plan your route ahead of time or that you remember your exact route as you run. In addition to that, most of these applications require you to run on mapped roads to properly track your distance.

By using a distance tracking enabled heart rate monitor, you can add a bit of spontaneity to your workout. You do not need to plan out your routes ahead of time, for example, in order to properly gauge your distance. The key decision, of course, is whether you find the convenience of these high end gadgets to be worth the extra cost. They are generally priced in the hundreds of dollars, as opposed to entry level models which are priced well below 0. If you decide to take the plunge, here are some key points to keep in mind.

GPS Based Technology

GPS based technology is the satellite based navigational system used in a variety of gadgets, such as automobile based navigational systems and smartphones. This very technology is also used in heart rate monitors. GPS enabled monitors make it possible to track your running time and distance as you travel through your route.

What is especially useful about a GPS heart rate monitor is the ability to track your routes on maps by downloading them to a computer based application. Doing this allows you to track things such as altitude fluctuations during the course of your workout. This type of information is invaluable as you become more experienced with your training. It also eliminates the pre-planning needed when using web-based mapping applications. The watch will give you real time distance readings as you progress through your workout.

One downside to keep in mind when considering a GPS enabled device is that, in general, GPS technology tends to have difficulty in densely populated urban areas. Larger cities, with very tall buildings, tend to have very spotty GPS reception. This can render your device inaccurate or completely inoperable. The same issue can occur if you decide to take your runs off road onto trails. If you are running in an area that has very dense tree cover, you may experience the same problems with reception.

Footpod Based Technology

Footpod technology provides the same distance tracking benefits that GPS technology does. Units using this technology can also be used to download workout information to computer applications. The biggest benefit of footpod technology, however, is that it negates the biggest drawback of GPS technology. Since a footpod is essentially a souped up pedometer that mounts to your running shoe, it does not rely upon satellite reception to track your distance. This benefit makes it an attractive option for urban runners or those that run under thick tree cover. It also makes it possible to keep distance data if you run on an indoor track.

While footpod enabled devices do have benefits, they do have some drawbacks to balance out those benefits. Footpod devices will keep all of the distance data that a GPS device will, but it is unable to track your exact route. So, if you are looking to keep a virtual diary of your runs, including the exact route, you will still have to manually enter your routes in an online application.

Another drawback is the construction of footpod units. The footpod units are generally well designed, but can be a bit bulky for some. If you are at all uncertain about whether having the pod tied to the top of your shoe will bother you or not, stick with a GPS monitor or find a way to sample a footpod before buying one.

All in all, if you are an avid runner intent on tracking your progress and improvement in your running fitness, investing the extra cash in one of these higher end devices could be worth it for you. Shop smartly and be clear, up front, about what you want in a distance tracking running heart rate monitor. There are many different minor features to be looked at. You just might find that little gem you have been looking for.

Tracking Distance With a Running Heart Rate Monitor

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Heart Rate Monitor

!±8± What Heart Rate Monitor

It's no wonder you're slightly at a loss when it comes to trying to decide what heart rate monitor to purchase - there are literally hundreds of styles, all with different functions and sports applications which range from a basic heart monitoring aid at entry level to an on-board computer suitable for monitoring performance of world-class sports people.

What Is Your Heart Rate Monitor Going To Be Used For?

When assessing what heart rate monitor you're likely to need, it's essential to think beyond the most obvious factor - price, and to consider instead what your sporting goals are now and are likely to be in one years time. There is nothing worse than investing in a monitor with basic functions for jogging around your neighborhood, only to find that it isn't capable of monitoring the more complex things you find yourself wanting to do and know about six months down the line.

A good place to begin is to ask yourself the following questions:

What sport(s) are you going to be using your monitor for? Do you prefer/need to view your workout on a wrist monitor, on your equipment screen, or on a PC screen? Is that likely to change over time? Do you /will you need basic, moderate or complex data about your workout performance? Do you /will you need to track distance and/or speed? Will you be tracking distance over a fixed area e.g treadmill, stationary bike, track or velodrome, or will you be out on the road/open country/water? Do you /will you need to monitor your performance continuously or at intervals during your workout? Do you intend to monitor your workout performance over time? Do you /will you need to gather your workout data for analysis or relay to a coach? Do you /will you need your monitor to double up for use an outdoor navigational tool containing functions such as altimeter, compass and barometer?

It is possible to buy a monitor which has the capacity to "grow" in function in accordance with your needs, so you might want to consider investing in one of these, buying additional accessories as and when you need them.

Chest Strap v. Strapless Heart Rate Monitors

The most basic decision you will need to make when choosing what heart rate monitor best suits your needs will be chest strap or no chest strap?

Chest Strap Heart Rate Monitors

Most frequently used type of heart rate monitor. They detect heart rate via a chest sensor worn around the chest and send the data to the viewing monitor using wireless technology. They will give accurate ECG continuous heart rate monitoring throughout a session. They are available in both analog and digital forms (digital provides a more robust signal).


The wearing of a strap means that your monitor can provide you with constant information about what your heart is doing. Certain models can be used to interface with your gym equipment i.e the information from the chest strap can be relayed wirelessly to your treadmill, stepper or stationary bike for on-screen viewing.


Chest strap heart rate monitors rely on maintaining a good contact between the electrodes on the strap and the user's chest. Some activities such as swimming prevent this constant bond and as a result the heart rate reading is obstructed. Analog chest straps may be prone to "crosstalk" interference when used in close proximity to other users i.e your signal may be interfered with when others are also using HRMs at a distance of less than 3ft/1 metre from you, e.g in a gym or during a race. There is less risk of this happening with coded transmitters. While most HRMs are water resistant 20-100 metres, this only means that they will not be damaged by being worn in water. They cannot be used to continuously measure heart rate whilst swimming because the water interferes with the transmission of analog radio waves. If you need continuous monitoring of your performance while under water, you should consider purchasing the Suunto Smartbelt, which when used with Suunto software can store and relay an accurate reading of your workout without a wrist monitor being used.

Strapless Monitors

Will provide an on-demand reading when you place your finger(s) on the monitor sensors. For accurate reading, avoid the cheaper motion/optical monitors which take a reading merely from blood pump, opting instead for a calibrated monitor which takes an ECG reading of your heart rate via the electrical circuit set up between your fingers, the watch and around the chest.

Strapless monitors do not provide constant reading, so they cannot be used to compile accurate data about your overall workout. It is possible to purchase dual mode monitors which will can be used in both strap and strapless modes.

What Heart Rate Monitor - Range Of Functions Available

Stopwatch Avoidance of crosstalk Target Training Zones - Pre-set targets to work towards for fat burning, cardio-vascular and stamina-building fitness. More complex monitors will have more target zones. Heart Rate Zone Alarm - Tells you when you have moved above or below your target training zone. Time Spent in Heart Rate Zone Maximum/Minimum/Average Heart Rate Calories Burned Calculator - Will estimate how many calories you burn during a workout using variants including age, sex, height, weight and workout intensity. On-board Workout Program - Built in workouts. Fitness Test - Allows you to take a short test to measure your fitness improvement over time. Heart Rate Recovery Measure - Will assess how long it takes your heart rate to recover after a session. Useful in assessing progressive fitness building. Countdown Timer - For Interval training - e.g sprint for 1 minute before easing back down. Distance/Speed Calculator - Choose an "accelerometer" which measures speed and distance using sensor technology on a "foot pod" or "bike pod" or GPS, which uses satellite technology. Runners and cyclists using a treadmill and/or track may find that an accelerometer attached to a trainer or bike best suits their needs, while those engaged in sports that take them over varying terrain, including cross-country skiing, skating and kayaking may prefer GPS. Both systems have been proven to be equally accurate (about 97%). Chest Strap / Strapless Continuous / Interval Monitoring Heart Rate Measure Over Lap/Split - useful for assessing heart rate at particular points in workout e.g how does HR during mile/lap 1 compare with that in mile/lap 5. Downloadable To PC - Allows training data to be assessed, viewed visually and compared with workouts over a defined period in order to assess training goals and achievements. Compass Altimeter Barometer Bike Mount - For viewing the monitor from a bicycle.

What Heart Rate Monitor

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